
Customizing trainers using inheritance#

The common practice is to customize the training loop using inheritance for important features that change the state of the training process. To customize the training loop using inheritance, subclass the basic.Trainer class in plato.trainers, and override the following methods:


def get_train_loader(self, batch_size, trainset, sampler, **kwargs)

Returns an instance of the trainloader to be used in the training loop.

batch_size the batch size.

trainset the training dataset.

sampler the sampler for the trainloader to use.

def get_train_loader(self, batch_size, trainset, sampler, **kwargs):
        dataset=trainset, shuffle=False, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=sampler


def get_optimizer(self, model)

Returns a custom optimizer.


def get_lr_scheduler(self, config, optimizer)

Returns a custom learning rate scheduler.


def get_loss_criterion(self)

Returns a custom loss criterion.


def lr_scheduler_step(self)

Performs a single learning rate scheduler step if self.lr_scheduler has been assigned.


def train_run_start(self, config)

Override this method to complete additional tasks before the training loop starts.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.


def train_run_start(self, config):"[Client #%d] Loading the dataset.", self.client_id)


def train_run_end(self, config)

Override this method to complete additional tasks after the training loop ends.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.


def train_run_end(self, config):"[Client #%d] Completed the training loop.", self.client_id)


def train_epoch_start(self, config)

Override this method to complete additional tasks at the starting point of each training epoch.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.


def train_epoch_start(self, config):"[Client #%d] Started training epoch %d.", self.client_id, self.current_epoch)


def train_epoch_end(self, config)

Override this method to complete additional tasks at the end of each training epoch.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.


def train_epoch_end(self, config):"[Client #%d] Finished training epoch %d.", self.client_id, self.current_epoch)


def train_step_start(self, config, batch=None)

Override this method to complete additional tasks at the beginning of each step within a training epoch.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.

batch the index of the current batch of data just processed in the current step.


def train_step_start(self, config, batch):"[Client #%d] Started training epoch %d batch %d.", self.client_id, self.current_epoch, batch)


def train_step_end(self, config, batch=None, loss=None)

Override this method to complete additional tasks at the end of each step within a training epoch.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.

batch the index of the current batch of data just processed in the current step.

loss the loss value computed using the current batch of data after training.


def train_step_end(self, config, batch, loss):
        "[Client #%d] Epoch: [%d/%d][%d/%d]\tLoss: %.6f",


def perform_forward_and_backward_passes(self, config, examples, labels)

Override this method to perform custom forward and backward passes within each training step.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.

examples the training examples in the current training step.

labels the corresponding training labels in the current training step.


def perform_forward_and_backward_passes(self, config, examples, labels):

    outputs = self.model(examples)

    loss = self._loss_criterion(outputs, labels)
    self._loss_tracker.update(loss, labels.size(0))

    if "create_graph" in config:


    return loss


def process_outputs(outputs)

Override this method to further process outputs, produced after the model is applied to test data samples in test_model().

The method returns the processed outputs.

outputs the outputs after the model is applied to test data samples, which may contain features or other information depending on the model.


def process_outputs(outputs):
    return outputs

Customizing trainers using callbacks#

For infrastructure changes, such as logging, recording metrics, and stopping the training loop early, we tend to customize the training loop using callbacks instead. The advantage of using callbacks is that one can pass a list of multiple callbacks to the trainer when it is initialized, and they will be called in their order in the provided list. This helps when it is necessary to group features into different callback classes.

Within the implementation of these callback methods, one can access additional information about the training loop by using the trainer instance. For example, trainer.sampler can be used to access the sampler used by the train dataloader, trainer.trainloader can be used to access the current train dataloader, and trainer.current_epoch can be used to access the current epoch number.

To use callbacks, subclass the TrainerCallback class in plato.callbacks.trainer, and override the following methods, then pass it to the trainer when it is initialized, or call trainer.add_callbacks after initialization. For built-in trainers that user has no access to the initialization, one can also pass the trainer callbacks to client through parameter trainer_callbacks, which will be delivered to trainers later. Examples can be found in examples/callbacks.


def on_train_run_start(self, trainer, config)

Override this method to complete additional tasks before the training loop starts.

trainer the trainer instance that activated this callback upon the occurrence of the corresponding event.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.


def on_train_run_start(self, trainer, config):
        "[Client #%d] Loading the dataset with size %d.",


def on_train_run_end(self, trainer, config)

Override this method to complete additional tasks after the training loop ends.

trainer the trainer instance that activated this callback upon the occurrence of the corresponding event.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.


def on_train_run_end(self, trainer, config):"[Client #%d] Completed the training loop.", trainer.client_id)


def on_train_epoch_start(self, trainer, config)

Override this method to complete additional tasks at the starting point of each training epoch.

trainer the trainer instance that activated this callback upon the occurrence of the corresponding event.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.


def train_epoch_start(self, trainer, config):"[Client #%d] Started training epoch %d.", trainer.client_id, trainer.current_epoch)


def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, config)

Override this method to complete additional tasks at the end of each training epoch.

trainer the trainer instance that activated this callback upon the occurrence of the corresponding event.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.


def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, config):"[Client #%d] Finished training epoch %d.", trainer.client_id, trainer.current_epoch)


def on_train_step_start(self, trainer, config, batch=None)

Override this method to complete additional tasks at the beginning of each step within a training epoch.

trainer the trainer instance that activated this callback upon the occurrence of the corresponding event.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.

batch the index of the current batch of data that has just been processed in the current step.


def on_train_step_start(self, trainer, config, batch):"[Client #%d] Started training epoch %d batch %d.", trainer.client_id, trainer.current_epoch, batch)


def on_train_step_end(self, trainer, config, batch=None, loss=None)

Override this method to complete additional tasks at the end of each step within a training epoch.

trainer the trainer instance that activated this callback upon the occurrence of the corresponding event.

config the configuration settings used in the training loop. It corresponds directly to the trainer section in the configuration file.

batch the index of the current batch of data that has just been processed in the current step.

loss the loss value computed using the current batch of data after training.


def on_train_step_end(self, trainer, config, batch, loss):
        "[Client #%d] Epoch: [%d/%d][%d/%d]\tLoss: %.6f",

Accessing and customizing the run history during training#

An instance of the plato.trainers.tracking.RunHistory class, called self.run_history, is used to store any number of performance metrics during the training process, one iterable list of values for each performance metric. By default, it stores the average loss values in each epoch.

The run history in the trainer can be accessed by the client as well, using self.trainer.run_history. It can also be read, updated, or reset in the hooks or callback methods. For example, in the implementation of some algorithms such as Oort, a per-step loss value needs to be stored by calling update_metric() in train_step_end():

def train_step_end(self, config, batch=None, loss=None):
    self.run_history.update_metric("train_loss_step", loss.cpu().detach().numpy())

Here is a list of all the methods available in the RunHistory class:


def get_metric_names(self)

Returns an iterable set containing of all unique metric names which are being tracked.


def get_metric_values(self, metric_name)

Returns an ordered iterable list of values that has been stored since the last reset corresponding to the provided metric name.


def get_latest_metric(self, metric_name)

Returns the most recent value that has been recorded for the given metric.


def update_metric(self, metric_name, metric_value)

Records a new value for the given metric.


def reset(self)

Resets the run history.